Copyright: 2007 Eugene Orlov Version: 1.0 October 2007 TO USE AS FUNCTION WITHIN YOUR PROJECT: 1. Make sure that you've done with the custom settings below. 2. Include this file in your project with 'include()' or 'require()' statement. Example: if you plan to use captcha in file 'myform.php5' place in the very first lines of the file this: include("PATH_TO_CAPTCHA_DIRECTORY/captcha.function.php5"); Dont't forget to change PATH_TO_CAPTCHA_DIRECTORY to the real path to these CAPTCHA scripts. 3. Place a call for CAPTCHA image in the form you want to protect: 4. Place an tag for the CAPTCHA word in the form: 5. To verify input of user or spambot :) place the following line in the script that processes your form: captcha_verify_word(); It will return 'false' if user's input is incorrect. Something like this: if (!captcha_verify_word()) die('Art thou a paltry spambot? Thy word is wrong!'); CUSTOM SETTINGS: How to verify CAPTCHA. Use 'cookie' to send to user a cookie file with encrypted CAPTCHA word, or use 'session' to store a word in session. The 'session' method is much more secure. */ $captcha_method = 'session'; /* If set to true, an additional small box containing string 'protected by' will be added to the bottom of the image. It's up to you, turn it to false if you don't like it. */ $captcha_show_credits = true; ######################################################################### /* captcha_show_image() - outputs the image to browser and stores a CAPTCHA word in a cookie or a session file. */ function captcha_show_image() { // Let's create an image $GLOBALS['captcha_show_credits'] ? $captcha_image = imagecreate(200, 51) : $captcha_image = imagecreate(200, 40); // Random background and color scheme. Can be red, green or blue $captcha_backgrounds = array('FF0000', '00FF00', '0000FF'); $captcha_color_scheme = $captcha_backgrounds[mt_rand(0, 2)]; $captcha_colors = array(hexdec('0x'.$captcha_color_scheme{0}.$captcha_color_scheme{1}), hexdec('0x'. $captcha_color_scheme{2}.$captcha_color_scheme{3}), hexdec('0x'.$captcha_color_scheme{4}.$captcha_color_scheme{5})); $captcha_image_bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0], $captcha_colors[1], $captcha_colors[2]); // Let's make some lighter and darker colors if ($captcha_color_scheme == 'FF0000') { $captcha_image_lcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0], $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(230, 240), $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(230, 240)); $captcha_image_lcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0], $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(230, 240), $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(230, 240)); $captcha_image_lcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0], $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(160, 220), $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(160, 220)); $captcha_image_dcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]-mt_rand(50, 100), $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(0, 50), $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(0, 50)); $captcha_image_dcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]-mt_rand(50, 100), $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(0, 50), $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(0, 50)); $captcha_image_dcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]-mt_rand(50, 100), $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(0, 50), $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(0, 50)); } elseif ($captcha_color_scheme == '00FF00') { $captcha_image_lcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(230, 240), $captcha_colors[1], $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(230, 240)); $captcha_image_lcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(230, 240), $captcha_colors[1], $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(230, 240)); $captcha_image_lcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(150, 190), $captcha_colors[1], $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(150, 190)); $captcha_image_dcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(0, 130), $captcha_colors[1]-mt_rand(50, 100), $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(0, 130)); $captcha_image_dcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(0, 130), $captcha_colors[1]-mt_rand(50, 100), $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(0, 130)); $captcha_image_dcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(0, 130), $captcha_colors[1]-mt_rand(50, 100), $captcha_colors[2]+mt_rand(0, 130)); } else { $captcha_image_lcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(210, 230), $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(210, 230), $captcha_colors[2]); $captcha_image_lcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(210, 230), $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(210, 230), $captcha_colors[2]); $captcha_image_lcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(180, 200), $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(180, 200), $captcha_colors[2]); $captcha_image_dcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(0, 100), $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(0, 100), $captcha_colors[2]-mt_rand(70, 150)); $captcha_image_dcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(0, 100), $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(0, 100), $captcha_colors[2]-mt_rand(70, 150)); $captcha_image_dcolor[] = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, $captcha_colors[0]+mt_rand(0, 100), $captcha_colors[1]+mt_rand(0, 100), $captcha_colors[2]-mt_rand(70, 150)); } // Background for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) { imagefilledrectangle($captcha_image, $i*20+mt_rand(4, 26), mt_rand(0, 39), $i*20-mt_rand(4, 26), mt_rand(0, 39), $captcha_image_dcolor[mt_rand(0, 2)]); } // Grid for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) { imageline($captcha_image, $i*20+mt_rand(4, 26), 0, $i*20-mt_rand(4, 26), 39, $captcha_image_lcolor[mt_rand(0, 2)]); } for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) { imageline($captcha_image, $i*20+mt_rand(4, 26), 39, $i*20-mt_rand(4, 26), 0, $captcha_image_lcolor[mt_rand(0, 2)]); } // This creates the captcha word $symbols = array('2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'H', 'K', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'Z', 'Y', 'Z'); $captcha_word = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) { $captcha_word .= $symbols[mt_rand(0, 24)]; } // Let's place the word. Each letter will have random position, size, angle and font if (function_exists('imagettftext')) { for($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) { imagettftext($captcha_image, mt_rand(24, 28), mt_rand(-20, 20), $i*mt_rand(30, 36)+mt_rand(2,4), mt_rand(32, 36), $captcha_image_lcolor[mt_rand(0, 1)], mt_rand(1, 4).'.ttf', $captcha_word{$i}); } } else { for($i = 0; $i <= strlen($captcha_word); $i++) { imagestring($captcha_image, imageloadfont(mt_rand(1, 3).'.gdf'), $i*mt_rand(20, 26), 0+mt_rand(2, 4), $captcha_word{$i}, $captcha_image_lcolor[mt_rand(0, 1)]); } } // Noise over the word imagesetstyle($captcha_image, array($captcha_image_dcolor[mt_rand(0, 2)], $captcha_image_dcolor[mt_rand(0, 2)], $captcha_image_dcolor[mt_rand(0, 2)], $captcha_image_dcolor[mt_rand(0, 2)], $captcha_image_dcolor[mt_rand(0, 2)], $captcha_image_dcolor[mt_rand(0, 2)], $captcha_image_dcolor[mt_rand(0, 2)])); for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) { imageline($captcha_image, 0, mt_rand(0, 39), 199, mt_rand(0, 39), IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } $captcha_image_lineys = array(mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39)); $captcha_image_lineye = array(mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39), mt_rand(0, 39)); for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) { imageline($captcha_image, $i*20+mt_rand(1, 6), $captcha_image_lineys[$i], $i*16+mt_rand(1, 6), $captcha_image_lineye[$i], $captcha_image_lcolor[mt_rand(0, 1)]); imageline($captcha_image, $i*20+mt_rand(1, 6), $captcha_image_lineys[$i], $i*16+mt_rand(1, 6), $captcha_image_lineye[$i], $captcha_image_lcolor[mt_rand(0, 1)]); } // Credits if ($GLOBALS['captcha_show_credits']) { $captcha_creditsimg = imagecreatefrompng('protected.png'); imagecopy($captcha_image, $captcha_creditsimg, 0, 40, 0, 0, 200, 11); } // Now we'll send a cookie or store the word in a session file if ($GLOBALS['captcha_method'] == 'cookie') { setcookie('magicword', md5($captcha_word), 0, '/'); } else { session_start(); $_SESSION['magicword'] = md5($captcha_word); } // Output the image to browser header('Content-type: image/png'); header('Expires: Sun, 1 Jan 2000 12:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s").'GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false); header('Pragma: no-cache'); imagepng($captcha_image); imagedestroy($captcha_image); } ############################################# /* captcha_verify_word() - verifies a word. Returns 'true' or 'false'. */ function captcha_verify_word() { if ($GLOBALS['captcha_method'] == 'cookie') { if (md5($_POST['magicword']) != $_COOKIE['magicword'] || empty($_COOKIE['magicword']) || !isset($_COOKIE['magicword'])) { setcookie('magicword', '', 0, '/'); return false; } else { setcookie('magicword', '', 0, '/'); return true; } } else { if (md5($_POST['magicword']) != $_SESSION['magicword'] || empty($_SESSION['magicword']) || !isset($_SESSION['magicword'])) { unset($_SESSION['magicword']); return false; } else { unset($_SESSION['magicword']); return true; } } } ?>