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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Trash Bags

Speaking of getting older and still being able to learn new things, I just figured out something new.

I used to struggle with the kitchen trash bags trying to figure out which end opened. I would pull one out of the box and then turn it end for end a dozen times trying to figure out which end had the opening. It was a very frustrating deal. But, the answer finally dawned on me in the supermarket as I pulled a produce bag off of a roll.

When you pull out a bag, the end that opens is the end that you pulled the bag out with. Its that simple. It works the same way at the supermarket with those little bags that you put the fruit and vegetables in. After you pull the bag off the roll, just keep holding on to the end that you pulled on, and that is the end with the opening.

Whoda guessed?

I bet those smart trash bag people planned that all along. Go figure.

Posted by Brian S. Kimerer at 11:19 PM

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